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资讯 TOM    2018-03-12 16:02




Addisababa Joint Declaration on economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa

2018年3月6日,在非洲埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴举行以“共建 共享 共赢”为主题的第六届中非经贸合作发展论坛,旨在发挥中国非洲经贸投资促进会、平台和桥梁纽带作用,贯彻落实“中非十大合作计划”,践行“一带一路”战略,进一步巩固中非人民的友谊与合作,实现中非人民的事业共同体、利益共同体和命运共同体。为了11亿非洲人民和13亿中国人民紧密团结,共同开启新的时代,抓住未来发展机遇,为维护世界和平稳定和促进中非发展作出贡献。

March 6, 2018, held by "sharing and win-win" as the theme of the Sixth China Africa economic and trade cooperation development forum in Ethiopia's capital Addisababa, to play Chinese African Trade and investment promotion, platform and bridge role in implementing the "ten non cooperation plan", the practice of "The Belt and Road" strategy to further strengthen China Africa the friendship and cooperation of the people, realize the African people's business community, community of interests and a common destiny. For the 1 billion 100 million African people and the 1 billion 300 million Chinese people to unite closely and jointly open up new era, seize the future development opportunities, contribute to maintaining world peace and stability and promoting the development of China Africa.

第六届中非经贸合作发展论坛由联合国工业发展组织、联合国非洲经济委员会、埃塞俄比亚工业部和中国非洲经贸投资促进会、中非友谊基金会联合举办,联合国非洲总部经济委员会官员 、埃塞俄比亚工业部部长,中国驻非盟使团团长旷伟霖大使,中国非洲经贸投资促进会会长、中非友谊基金会主席秦金玮先生,香港工商总会会长王福生先生,中国非洲经贸投足促进会副会长、聚贤盛邦集团董事长张开荣先生;中国非洲经贸投资促进会副会长、国家中医药养生保健技术创新战略联盟秘书长龙夫先生以及中方随行考察团33名中国企业家和非洲国家的政要、企业家代表出席了论坛。

The Sixth China Africa economic and trade cooperation and Development Forum jointly organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, Ethiopia Ministry of industry and trade and investment in Africa Chinese Association, China Africa Friendship Foundation, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa headquarters officials, Ethiopia's industry minister, China's AU mission Kuang Weilin ambassador, Chinese Africa Trade and Investment Promotion Association, China Africa Friendship Foundation Chairman Mr. Qin Jinwei, the Hongkong chamber of Commerce President, Mr. Wang Fusheng, China Africa touzu Association vice president, Juxian Sheng Group Chairman Mr. Zhang Kairong; Chinese African Trade and Investment Promotion Association vice president, national traditional Chinese medicine health care technology innovation strategic alliance Secretary General Mr. Fu and Chinese dragon the accompanying delegation of 33 African countries Chinese entrepreneurs and politicians, entrepreneurs The representative attended the forum.


We believe that the emphasis on building a future for peace and development is a common responsibility. Globalization is making the world interdependence and relational unprecedentedly, diversification in different levels of development, the interests of all countries are intertwined. Mankind has increasingly become a acommunity community of destiny. We are pleased to see that the Sino African Economic and trade cooperation development forum has been successfully held for six sessions and has achieved the results of mutual benefit and mutual benefit. The connotation of Sino African cooperation is continuously enriched, the field of cooperation continues to expand, the partners are more diverse, safeguarding the common interests of both sides, and promoting the momentum of bilateral prosperity and development. The forum has become a model for Sino African solidarity and cooperation and leading to international non cooperation.


China and Africa belong to the developing world. In the world that is going to take a profound and complicated change, China and Africa share broad interests in the face of common development challenges. We must consolidate the traditional friendship, deepen the strategic cooperation, promote the construction of practical cooperation mechanism, promote China Africa friendly, mutually beneficial cooperation and achieve leapfrog development. We are committed to taking the road of peaceful development, contributing to world peace, stability and economic growth. We believe that China's economic restructuring and progress will boost the process of industrialization and modernization in Africa. On the forum, we believe that the complementary development strategy of China and Africa reflects the characteristics of mutual benefit, equality, openness, tolerance and responsibility, showing opportunities and opportunities for solidarity, mutual support and mutual respect among developing countries. China and Africa will explore and make full use of their comparative advantages to promote and promote mutual benefit and cooperation.


We are committed to the establishment and development of equality and mutual trust, win-win cooperation, mutual exchanges, mutual help and unity of strategic partnership cooperation, will be the spirit of "true, real, pro, sincere" concept and the correct view of righteousness, adhere to equality, promote solidarity and mutual trust, build consensus, promote economic and social development in africa. We should actively carry out industrial docking and capacity cooperation, and jointly promote the process of industrialization and agricultural modernization in Africa. We should focus on strengthening the overall landing of the contracted projects, especially in the construction of China - Africa friendship town. We should give priority to promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in agriculture, processing and manufacturing, energy and resources, health care, education, tourism, investment, trade, finance, e-commerce and technology transfer. It is recognized that deepening the cooperation in deep processing of resources is equally important for improving the ability of technology and intelligence. The construction center of Industrial Park, Science Park, special economic zone and training technology and management personnel should be set up to strengthen cooperation in the field of industrial production and increase the value added. To actively explore the "The Belt and Road" docking with the African economic integration and sustainable development, and to promote common development and achieve common dreams of finding more opportunities.


We will set up in the International Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible in the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization under the guidance and the establishment of the African branch and China branch, Chinese absorption and African countries well-known enterprises and listed companies involved, regularly held a forum meeting, let African entrepreneurs together, working together to promote the implementation of the project. To ensure the successful implementation of.


We express our heartfelt thanks to the government and people of Ethiopia, and thank the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization for their warm reception and support during this forum. The Forum on China Africa Cooperation summit will be held in Beijing in September 2018 Chinese, then Chinese African Trade and investment promotion, China Africa Friendship Foundation, Juxian Sheng group will invite Beijing to Egypt a person with breadth of vision China, gongxiangshengju.


March 6, 2018

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