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资讯 TOM    2020-05-12 17:11

Backgroundon Industry 4.0 its origin, concept and building blocks


Industry 4.0 (I4.0) evolved from a German government initiative and associated working group.At the heart of industry 4.0 there are 4 principles :Interconnection via the Internet of Things(IoT)/Industrial internet of Things(IIoT), Information availability across the production process facilitating analysis and action, Automation and facilitation of decision making and provision of Cyber Physical Systems(CPS) to complete tasks best suited to machines rather than people(ideally autonomously).





·从辅助人完成任务,转变为辅助机器完成任务。具备自动与简易化的决策链与数字化实体生产运营系统(CPS),以最适应机器的方式,完成生产任务,比人工更精准。这就是超自动化(Gartner “2020年十大战略技术趋势”报告中也有提及)

From these principles a range of constantly evolving and changing technologies are available for organisations wishing to benefit from the Industry 4.0 revolution. They share some common characteristics and are typically grouped together as:-

·Data and analytics technologies (Big Data) – collection and interpretation of data from a range of sources with the desired aim of making consistent, correct, proactive decisions. Includes the concept of cognitive computing.

·Smart factory/production technologies including use where appropriate of robotics devices. The objective of these technologies is to drive seamless, environmentally responsible self-optimising processes and systems that realise best in class production performance.

·Cyber physical systems (CPS)– integrations of computation, networking and physical processes e.g. robotics systems, manufacturing control systems. These cyber-physical systems also build and maintain a ‘Digital twin’ of the physical world.

·The internet of things (IoT-consumer)/Industrial internet of things (IIoT) i.e. the mobile, virtual and persistent connection of all devices to the internet and each other.

·Interoperability – development of standards, processes and systems to allow all participant stakeholders and organisations to share information effectively.


·大数据分析– 收集并解释各种来源的数据信息,确保目标一致的、准确的、瞻前的决策,包括认知计算的技术


·数字化物理生产运营系统(CPS)-整合了计算单元、网络、以及物理生产流程(比如机器人系统,生产控制系统等)。这些CPS也是建立并维护“数字孪生(Digital Twin)”的基础


·互操作性– 开发可以让所有利益相关人、企业、组织都能参与并互操作的标准、协议、流程与系统。(小编按:其实就是为制造企业从私有工业物联网,转型产业物联网平台做准备,美国工业物联网几家发起公司就准备形成产业物联网平台)

The current pallet of Industry 4.0 technologies includes but is not limited to mobile devices, advanced human machine interfaces, 3D printing, drones, Smart sensors/PLM technology, traditional DCS systems, Digital Twin solutions, blockchain offerings, Big data analytics and advanced algorithms (e.g. failure prediction and preventative maintenance automated scheduling), Augmented reality/ wearables, improved ERP and CRM offerings. SD-WAN technologies for managing the complexity and rapid changing characteristics of IoT/IIoT networking requirements.


At the business level Industry 4.0 concepts will deliver business value by driving digitalisation and integration of value chains, driving production costs down, facilitating digitization of product and service offerings and finally developing digital business models that improve customer value. The bottom-line result will be connected customers, empowered employees, efficient production, improved products with improved operability and bottom-line profit.


This report explains how Industry 4.0 related capabilities can be applied to specific energy industry use cases.


Use case: Industry 4.0 realisation facilitated by InfoQuickTechnologies –Traditional upstream oil and gas


Business Drivers


Figure1Oil and gas business drivers




Business model

Upstream Oil and gas industry activities are defined by the following high-level processes (Oil and gas life cycle):

•Exploration – acquire a production permit and prove the hydrocarbon bearing of the prospect.

•Appraisal – evaluate the economic suitability of the field.

•Development planning – develop an integrated plan that will deliver business value in comparison to other options.

•Execution - develop the field and design and build the capital infrastructure including wells.

•Production – produce the hydrocarbons efficiently over the life of the field. Where the value is delivered.

•Abandonment, decommissioning and restoration – close off the permit.



·勘探– 需要生产许可,并确保足够多的原油(原气)含量以支撑商业运作

·评估– 评估某油田(气田)的经济价值

·制定计划– 制定一个相对最优的整体计划,实现商业价值

·执行– 建设开采井以及其他固定设施,开采油田(气田)


·油田/气田的弃置、环境恢复 – 关闭许可

Adoption of Industry 4.0 elements underpinned by InfoQuickTechnologies.


The following outline shows key industry 4.0 Digitalisation themes in upstream Oil and Gas and how InfoQuick Global Connect are positioned to help the oil industry deliver them.



Upstream Industry 4.0 themes and InfoQuick support


As shown by the above slide Oil and Gas companies are actively investing in digitalisation and Industry 4.0 strategies to meet their business objectives. InfoQuick are well positioned to support these strategies. It is worth examining some of these key strategies in more depth:

·IIoT and the Mesa working group. This industry working party has produced a process industry guidebook ‘Adopting Integrated Manufacturing Operations Management (iMOM)in oil and gas and petrochemicals framework’. The document provides complete guidance on industry best practice relating to digital transformation and Industry 4.0 practices specific to the Oil and Gas industry.

·Big Data analytics in combination with IIoT and sensors (PLMs). Increased data capture and analysis designed to detect performance issues and potential well or facilities issues before they impact production. InfoQuick’s offerings can provide Wide Area Networking support for these solutions in a nimble, secure, flexible and global way.

·Automation in production. The opportunity to automate thousands of wells spread across regions (a large company handles more than 50,000 wells). InfoQuick SD-Wan and cloud capabilities support these solutions through cheap provision of connectivity to a high level of quality in a manageable way.

·Supply chain integration and automation of related processes including improved data sharing through management of a ‘Digital Twin’. InfoQuick SD-Wan and cloud capabilities support these solutions and allow for new entrants into the supply chain in a quick and cost effective across the globe.

·Improved exploration and reservoir monitoring. Advancements in seismic data acquisition (4D, micro-seismic) and computing power have already improved E&P companies’ understanding of reservoirs and ability to monitor constantly. InfoQuick SD-Wan and cloud capabilities support these solutions.

·‘Digital twin’. A virtual copy of the evolving plant or oil facility through design, construction and as built in operation. A variety of vendor tool sets available often cloud based to manage this requirement. Actively used, the ‘Digital twin’ underpins 4D/5D/5D planning and automatic sequencing of construction activities. InfoQuick retain knowledge of the processes and systems used to manage the ‘digital twin’.

·Convergence of traditional Scada /DCS systems with Industry 4.0 technologies. The traditional suppliers to the oil industry such as Honeywell are converging with commodity IIoT / IoT technologies. InfoQuick have arrangements with process control providers to assist clients.






•提升勘探与油储监控。高性能计算能力已经让行业内企业提前获取地震数据(4D,微地震)并由此了解储油量。iCONNECT 可以帮助企业轻松使用云计算而降低计算成本

•数字孪生。一种涵盖工厂及设施全生命周期的虚拟数字拷贝,用来设计建造,模拟真实运营。很多供应商的相关工具都在云平台上,SaaS模式。数字孪生可以支持4D/5D/6D 计划制定以及自动将建造行为排序。凌锐蓝信有能力支持企业通过高性能网络运用这种工具



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