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CPT Markets集团COO Vikas Lakhwani亮眼登场Fazzaco Expo!

资讯 TOM    2022-10-14 17:07

CPT Markets集团COOVikas Lakhwani亮眼登场Fazzaco Expo!


CPT Markets集团COO Vikas Lakhwani亮眼登场Fazzaco Expo!


面对现今经济趋势的转变与科技发展所带来的新型挑战,全球投资者对于外汇需求急遽增长,CPT Markets集团的团队很高兴参加Fazzaco博览会,特别是我们的首席营运长(COO)Vikas Lakhwani获邀为展会讨论的主持人。Vikas Lakhwani熟捻金融并在业界共累积了9年的金融服务经验,由于在交易领域里有着最精辟的见解,因此总能为投资者们指引最正确的投资之路。

The CPT Markets Group team was pleased to attend the Fazzaco Expo, especially as our Chief Operating Officer (COO), Vikas Lakhwani, was invited to moderate the discussions.Vikas Lakhwani is well-versed in finance and has accumulated a total of 9 years of experience in financial services in the industry and is always able to guide investors on the right path to investment due to his insights into the field of trading.


CPT Markets集团COO Vikas Lakhwani亮眼登场Fazzaco Expo!


为了有足够能力因应外部风险,CPT 的运营核心围绕着聚焦领航投资、驱动创新、正向关怀,除此之外,CPT 也以「稳固核心、驱动成长」作为全面成长发展策略,势必能更精准抓住市场焦点并为客户们提供最有效率的金融服务,相信在未来定能带来价值成长,实现客户理财目标。

To be able to deal with external risks, CPT's core operations revolve around focusingon leading investment, driving innovation, and positive care. In addition, CPT also adopts "solid core, driving growth" as its overall growth strategy, which is sure to be able to more accurately grasp the market focus and provide the most efficient financial services to customers and is sure to bring value growth and achieve customers' financial goals in the future.


CPT Markets集团COO Vikas Lakhwani亮眼登场Fazzaco Expo!


2022 CPT将于全球各大展会与您相见!

See you around!


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