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资讯 TOM    2018-09-14 17:43


The ANZSOG delegation of 28 people visited Haileybury International School, Tianjin on 13 september. During the visit, the HIST management team and ANZSOG delegates held in-depth discussions on education and teaching.



The delegation was led by esteemed Australian Professor and Senior Government Adviser Allan Fels AO. The group contained many senior government officials from Australia and New Zealand.



The Executive Principal, Dr. Kathy Wang led the school management team to give a warm welcome to the ANZSOG delegation and share the current situation of HIST and some insight into private school education and teaching, in China. During the morning there was enthusiastic discussion on international education issues.


天津黑利伯瑞国际学校于2013年经天津市武清区教育局批准成立,目前已有六年历史,是一所集小学、初中、高中为一体的全日制、寄宿制民办学校,与具有百年历史的澳大利亚黑利伯瑞学校是姊妹学校。学校的办学理念是“每个学生的每一天至关重要”;学校的工作文化是“对标优秀、极度认真地工作”。经过六年的艰苦奋斗,学校口碑已得到家长及学生的高度认可。2016年,学校被评为“天津市武清区优秀民办学校”;2017年,学校被评为“天津市武清区平安校园示范校”;2017年学校荣获 “2017年度最具影响力国际学校奖”。天津黑利伯瑞国际学校已成为京津冀地区靓丽的国际教育名片,与此同时,学校还肩负着促进澳中基础教育发展的使命。2014年,习近平总书记与时任澳大利亚总理共同为黑利伯瑞学校颁发“澳中成就奖”,对学校的发展给予厚望。

HIST was established and approved by the Wuqing Education Bureau in 2013. Now it has a history of 6 years. It is a boarding private school integrating primary, middle and senior schools. It is a sister school of Haileybury Melbourne which has over one hundred years of history. The Education Philosophy of HIST is “Every student matters every day”. The work ethic is to always benchmark the school / staff performance against excellence and work most conscientiously. After six years of hard work, the school has been highly recognized by parents and students. The school was named an "Excellent private school in Wuqing district of Tianjin"; In 2017, the school was named a " Role Model Safe Campus "; The school won the 2017 Most Influential International School award. HIST has already become a name card of international education in Jing-Jin-Ji area.

At the same time, the school also carries the mission of promoting the development of primary education in Australia and China. In 2014, The General Secretary Xi jinping and the then Prime Minister of Australia jointly presented the "Australia-China achievement award" to Haileybury School, which gave high hopes to the school's development.



The ANZOG delegation had the opportunity to visit the senior school classroom teaching and the Primary School bilingual student assembly and gave a high praise on our student's English and the overall outlook.



The delegation described our school as "an inspiring school", "we have seen a group of people who love education and devote themselves to education here" and "we are deeply moved by the dedication of Haileybury to education".



责任编辑: WY-BD

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