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更安全 更高效丨华丽科技"2020后ASF疫情时代缅甸线上论坛"顺利举办

资讯 TOM    2021-02-05 10:40


On 30th January , the “Post Era of Africa Swine Fever Forum” co-hosted by Myanmar Animal Agriculture Association and Huali was successfully held。 This theme of forum was “MORE SAFETY, MORE EFFIENCY”。 Adhere to the basic starting point of raising pigs, the experts provide brilliant technical lectures and breeding solutions for Vietnamese animal husbandry colleagues。 This online forum had two sessions, invited breeding experts from Myanmar, Britain, China and other countries who have been engaged in animal husbandry for more than 10 years, and nearly one hundred Myanmar customers were invited to interact online。

更安全 更高效丨华丽科技"2020后ASF疫情时代缅甸线上论坛"顺利举办


Sparked by the accurate explanation and collision of ideas by husbandry experts, the following lectures are presented:“Defining Comfort Zone” “Anti-epidemic management of pig farms under ASF。” “Discussion on the design of modern pig farms ”and “Pig manure and water treatment progress in pig farm”。 Experts shared own insights on pig farm breeding issues on the “Post Era of Africa Swine Fever”, and effectively answered the most concerned points of pig farm breeding for Myanmar customers。

更安全 更高效丨华丽科技"2020后ASF疫情时代缅甸线上论坛"顺利举办


更安全 更高效丨华丽科技"2020后ASF疫情时代缅甸线上论坛"顺利举办


Relying on the marketing platform, Huali will regularly invite more breeding experts at home and abroad to provide more wonderful courses and breeding management technology for customers。 Huali has been committed to in-depth response to customer needs, to provide customers with more value-added services, facing future opportunities and challenges together with customers。


责任编辑: WY-BD

责任编辑: WY-BD
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